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New users … don’t PANIC

Mike Milton has written a very informative post with some recommendations of how to approach the Eigenharp as a new user.

Here’s an excerpt:

There seems to be a process that most new (or even potential) Eigenharp players go through that they find challenging and or upsetting. This is quite unfortunate and unnecessary. I hope this post helps.

The first thing is: Don’t PANIC

This is a big purchase. You did your homework. You have a list of ways you want to use it in many applications. You’ve been told, yup, that is possible. Now you want to know how and you keep being frustrated. Don’t PANIC

Here are some thoughts and suggestions that might make you much happier and let you have some fun.

You can read the rest on his blog.

Posted in Controllers, Tutorial.

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  1. Mike Milton says

    ‘Love the image. Thanks for the link

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