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Eigenharp ‘clubhouse’ on Google+ hangout

Hi everyone,

This has been floating around my mind for a little while now. I think it would be really cool to have a weekly virtual clubhouse about the Eigenharp on Google+, using hangouts.

Who would be interested? What’s your timezone? Which days would be appropriate? I would personally be interested any weekday in the morning before 10am CET or any time during the day on Monday before 17h CET.

If you’re not on Google+, let me know, I have a lot of invites left. This is my profile:

Take care,


Posted in Controllers, Software, Tutorial.

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3 Responses

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  1. @gluggergames (Dragica Kahlina) says

    I am at:
    Timezone: CET
    Days: can probably make any day work, have given up on weekends
    Time: not too early in the morning

  2. Van der Elst Kathy says

    Club ? House ?

  3. Geert says

    After putting all the availabilities mentioned above together, it seems that it would work best for most people on Monday somewhere between 12h and 17h CET. I propose doing this at 16h.

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