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Leonard Cohen’s band member Dino Soldo, spotted with Eigenharp Alpha

Dino Soldo, Leonard Cohen’s keyboardist and wind player has been spotted playing an Eigenharp Alpha on tour. Here’s a picture of last month’s concert in Zagreb, Croatia. It’s exciting to see established musicians pick up the Eigenharp as it will make it better known to the masses.

Leonard Cohen

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6 Responses

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  1. MikeMilton says

    I notice that the breath pipe seems to be bent differently. I would like one similar to this as his playing position is much like mine and it is difficult to use the standard one

    • Geert says

      Might be worth sending an email to Eigenlabs support to see what the possibilities are. Maybe they can give you some alternative options.

  2. MikeMilton says

    It seems nobody is sure just how it got that way. The authoritative advice is *do not* bend your breath pipe. So, beware anyone who might be inclined to give this a try.

    • Geert says

      Mike, it seems that Dino has a prototype Alpha that was built before the production models of today. The whole wind system was radically different and not going through the instrument. One consequence of that was that the breath pipe was built in copper and possible to bend with extreme care. From what I hear, that’s sadly not possible with the production model breath pipes.

      • MikeMilton says

        thanks for the additional info

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Tweets that mention Leonard Cohen’s band member Dino Soldo, spotted with Eigenharp Alpha | EigenZone -- linked to this post on August 17, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by John Morley, Geert Bevin. Geert Bevin said: Leonard Cohen's band spotted using the #Eigenharp Alpha […]

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