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Eigenlabs, here I come

It’s been quiet on EigenZone for various reasons. The most important one being that as of tomorrow I’m joining Eigenlabs as a software developer. For almost twenty years I’ve been looking for a way to combine my passions for programming and music into my main activity, but I’ve always had to choose to focus on only one of them. This dream has finally come true!

A month ago, Eigenlabs posted a job opening for a senior software developer. I applied, we talked and decided to continue our roads together. I’m extremely excited to be able to work full time on the Eigenharp and help it become the instrument of the 21st century from the inside out.  I’ll be working four days a week for Eigenlabs and the fifth day I’ll be free to dedicate my time to non-work related occupations, like my own music.

What does me joining Eigenlabs mean for EigenZone?

Not much! I’ll actually have more time to post and will be creating Alpha tutorials soon. EigenZone will remain my personal outlet about the Eigenharp from a musician’s perspective. Of course, there’s a lot of inside information that I will not be able to post about, but I’ll try to remain as impartial as possible and shift my perspective when posting here.

Eigenlabs, here I come!

Posted in Controllers.

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6 Responses

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  1. scarr says

    Congratulations! As a soon-to-be customer, I’m glad to know they’re hiring people who are both so enthusiastic about the product, and helpful to the user community.

  2. Mary T says

    Brilliant, so pleased to see such an enthusistic musician becoming a part of your team. Long may it continue. All the best Stuart.

  3. Nik Silver says

    Great move, many congratulations. I hope walking behind the curtain is everything you hoped it would be.

  4. 0beron says

    Hey, excellent news! It does mean that we know who to pester with feature requests… 🙂 It sounds like really fun job – I’m little jealous.. !

  5. ivan says

    That’s a fantastic move! Congrats!! I hope to see even more stuff on this site. And don’t forget about small Pico 🙂

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Tweets that mention Eigenlabs, here I come | EigenZone -- linked to this post on August 15, 2010

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