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LinnStrument and Moog Model 15 go perfectly together

Moog released the Model 15 app for iOS which painstakingly recreates each facet of the original Model 15 Modular. It is 4-voice polyphonic and fully supports MPE, making it a perfect synth to play with LinnStrument.

Moog Model 15

Here’s an initial sketch I recorded with both:

As a bonus, here are a few pictures of LinnStrument with my custom iPad holder and Model 15 running on an iPad Pro:

Model 15 LinnStrument 1
Model 15 LinnStrument 2

Posted in Controllers, Live, Software, Song, Synth.

2 Responses

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  1. Patrick says

    Lovely! How are you connecting both the linstrument and the apogee to the ipad? Powered hub?

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