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LinnStrument iPad holder

I recently got a 3D printer and one of the first projects I undertook was to create an iPad holder prototype for the LinnStrument. After a few trials, I designed one that works great and that is printable in three parts. It works from the iPad 1 size all the way up to the iPad Air, including iPhones (the 6+ works quite nicely). Since the LinnStrument can be bus-powered from all iOS devices with a lightning connector, this is a really nice standalone expressive music-making combo imho.

Here are some pictures:

LinnStrument iPad mount 3

LinnStrument iPad mount 5

LinnStrument iPad mount 4

LinnStrument iPad mount 2

LinnStrument iPad mount 1
… and here are the STL files and the original design document from MOI in case you want to print one yourself:

Posted in Controllers.

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5 Responses

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  1. Bob Schrei says

    are these available from you if we do not have a 3d printer?

  2. Bob Schrei says

    The linnsturment with the Model 15 on the iPad is a great overall instrument. Thanks for your skills and creativity!

  3. Geert Bevin says

    @Bob creating those is not really the business I’m in and it’s economically not viable to really do this, however if you really have no alternative I’m willing to do this but it’s expensive. The details are here:

  4. Joseph says

    Can this attach to the Linnstrument 128, or only the original size?

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