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Audiocubes agent for EigenD 2.0

During my holidays I’ve been hacking on an Audiocubes agent for EigenD and I’m at a stage where it’s getting close to stable.

You can connect any EigenD output into a cube’s color RGB inputs, and each sensor of each cube can be connected to another EigenD agent for global expression control (just like the Eigenharp’s breath pipe or strip).

The topology output allow you to trigger talkers based on the position of the Audiocubes to each-other. Each topology message sends out a key position and treats each cube/face combination as if it was a unique button you press in a two-dimensional grid. For instance if cube 1 face 3 faces cube 4 face 2, the key position will be 13,42. So the last digit is always the face of the cube and the other digits identify the cube itself. The coordinate is always ordered so that the cube with the lowest number is at the left. Knowing this, it’s then possible to for instance connect the topology output to a Talker agent and trigger Belcanto commands based on the topology of your Audiocubes. You could for instance move the octaves up and down, start or stop the metronome, play recorder takes, … anything really!

You need EigenD 2.0.62-stable to run this agent. Please let me know how it is working out for you!

Here’s the download link for MacOSX:
… and here’s the one for Windows:

After you’ve unzipped the downloaded file, double-click the installer to install the agent on your computer for EigenD 2.0.62.

For the developers out there, this agent is current in the EigenD Contrib repository on GitHub:

Posted in Setup, Software.

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. Eigenharp Pico, EigenD and AudioCubes: Video by Antonio Machado | audiocubes by percussa linked to this post on September 8, 2012

    […] Geert finished a first version of the AudioCubes agent and Antonio Machado, Eigenharp and AudioCubes user, already tested the agent with his Eigenharp Pico. Check out the result below. […]

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