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Eigenharp Clubhouse 16

Recording of the weekly Eigenharp Clubhouse on Google+ Hangouts, December 9, 2011:

We Talked About:

  • Santa Clause, Reindeer Antlers, snow, people arriving for the hangout
  • The challenge of introducing Eigenharps to people
    – plugin use and advanced features (automation parameters)
  • discussion of a new players YouTube offering showing unique features
  • controller vs instrument
  • using an iPad surface vs Eigenharp
  • need to keep your eyes on an iPad (no reference points) vs Alpha Divots
  • Roger Linn’s Linnstrument creation of a reference surface (similar option for iPad)
  • Sample Sizes for EigenD vs other host (plugins don’t change)
  • general discussion of sample library sizes vs realism (bigger often more complete)
  • Hint, make disk images rather than working from physical DVDs (speed)
  • often libraries are optimized for keyboards (not Eigenharps)
  • general discussion of models as an alternative to samples (PianoTeq, AAS)
  • Small setups as an advantage for fast loading (including MIDI only setups)
  • Geert’s setup for HangDrum (Sonic Couture)
  • using Boulder (and other) sample libraries in Kontakt
  • travelling with an Eigenharp (carry-on?, courier, heavy duty flight case)
  • general chat about the Developer Conference, then back to travelling (double case)
  • What is Workbench (general description)
  • Workbench allows easier creation of smaller setups that are highly customized
  • no coding specifically required to work in workbench
  • sub-configurations termed ‘rigs’
  • Experimental release of 2.0; considerations and some future directions
  • Stage in the app store? Meeting guidelines is a significant effort
  • multitouch gestures in Stage

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