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Pictures of first Eigenharp Pico get together

Yesterday we had the first Eigenharp Pico get together at the London offices of Eigenlabs.

All attendees had the opportunity to try out the impressive Alpha and we had a lot of fun talking about our initial experiences with the Pico. Several people of the Eigenlabs team, including John-the-inventor, were there to listen to our impressions and to give more detailed explanations about more technical stuff and things to come. Even Jim, the technical director, joined in at the end and sat down with Kayla’s computer to try to track down an obscure bug that only seems to happen on her configuration.

A great afternoon and evening, plus Covent Garden is always a nice place to visit!

Posted in Controllers, Demonstration.

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  1. Nicolas says

    Thanks for article. Everytime like to read you.

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