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Eigenharp Pico – Learning scales

Here are some examples of how to practice scales on the Eigenharp Pico. People that are picking up the instrument without any music knowledge might find it interesting to get this information to start learning these patterns too. Thanks to the Pico’s ability to switch scales and keys, you can use these patterns for many different situations since the fingering remains identical.

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4 Responses

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  1. Simon says

    Hey Geert
    very informative videos… especially like the pico graphic (the right way round!) on the side of the video

    keep up the good work

    • Geert says

      Thanks a lot Simon.

      I have sent some suggestions about the Pico graphic to EigenLabs and they’re going to be updating the quick reference guide to also have turned the right way ’round.

      Take care,


  2. Irideducs says

    Thanks for the scale tutorial. Can you share how the Pico handles accidentals? Is there any way to play a them without constantly changing scales?

    Thanks again!

    • Geert says

      There’s talk about various ideas to handle this while being in a particular scale and Eigenlabs is working on a solution to make this possible. At the moment, you can play in a chromatic scale with all the 12 notes in an octave, however that limits the range of the Pico to not even an octave and a half.

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