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First live song recording after a week of usage

This is a song project that I’ve been working on to learn the possibilities of the Pico during this first week. It demonstrates how you can easily build up various loops while playing live and add vocals on top while the song is playing. I deliberately don’t use the breath pipe or the strip controller since I want to focus on learning the keys first.

Posted in Live, Song.

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5 Responses

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  1. RebelliousUno says

    Nice piece
    I’ve been keeping an eye on this blog for a few weeks now…these vids keep making me want to get a pico :)…of course atm I’d need a mac first….unless the windows version of the software comes out first.

    • Geert says

      Sounds like a good opportunity to me to jump over to the Mac world 😉

  2. David says

    Thanks so much for sharing your progress with the Pico. I’m thoroughly enjoying following along. The Pico is rapidly becoming the toy I most desire, and you deserve a lot of a the credit (or blame) for that!

    • Geert says

      Thanks for leaving a message! The Pico is indeed a huge amount of fun and I find I’m able to be creative in directions that weren’t accessible to me before at all. I never really felt comfortable at a regular keyboard or synth, the keys, expressiveness and form factor of the Pico are very addictive and liberating 🙂

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Pigsaw Blog » Blog Archive » Bookmarks for 2 Dec 2009 linked to this post on December 2, 2009

    […] EigenZone – First live song recording after a week of usageFrom Geert Bevan's blog exploring the Eigenharp Pico: "This is a song project that I’ve been working on to learn the possibilities of the Pico during this first week. It demonstrates how you can easily build up various loops while playing live and add vocals on top while the song is playing. I deliberately don’t use the breath pipe or the strip controller since I want to focus on learning the keys first." (eigenharp video ) […]

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