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LinnStrument Control – Initial Release

LinnStrument Control is a desktop tool that allows LinnStrument to control your computer. It requires LinnStrument firmware 1.2.5 or later. You can download it here:

As soon as LinnStrument is set to OS Update mode, LinnStrument Control detects its presence and takes control over it. Currently it shows a typing keyboard through colored regions and allows you to type on the LinnStrument without requiring a separate keyboard. Pressing any control button on the left will exit control mode and go back to MIDI.



This tool is very much geared to my personal usage and only works on MacOSX though it should be easy to port to Windows. The keyboard layout is a US QWERTY keyboard that is hardcoded in the sources. If there’s enough interest, other layouts can be added later.

LinnStrument Control is open-source and the repository is available on GitHub:

Here’s a video of an early prototype:

Posted in Controllers.

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One Response

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  1. ni says

    excellent idea! a overlooked problem i never even found a close solution to, i will be happy to pay for this feature and throw away my computer keyboard.
    only problem is i’m using windows OS

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