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I’m (not) available for work (anymore)

I was offered a great position in a great company, not in the music sector though. I’ll give more details shortly.

As of next month I’ll be available for work.

Eigenlabs is moving towards a non-profit charity foundation and I’ll only sporadically work as a freelancer for them when the need arises. I’ve been asked if I would be interested to help the new foundation as a trustee and I’m considering to do so. Its goals are dear to my heart and I’ve been very passionate about them for a few years. Since any work I do for The Eigen Foundation in that capacity can’t be remunerated, I obviously need to find another income.

If you have an interesting project for which you think I’m a right fit, don’t hesitate to contact me!

You can find my detailed CV on LinkedIn.
Alternatively, my CV is also available on my website.

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