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Eigenharp Clubhouse 19

Recording of the weekly Eigenharp Clubhouse on Google+ Hangouts, January 30, 2012:

We’ve talked about:

  • Playing the Alpha with a headset, great quality of the headphone amp
  • PianoTeq binaural setting, whurly, polyphonic mode, per-note aftertouch
  • More than a thousand Eigenharps out there, benchmark passed beginning 2011
  • Discussion about the pain of tuning a real Whurlitzer
  • Talk about John Nolan’s voice recognition Belcanto agent prototype
  • Goes back to the original vision of being able to talk to your instrument
  • Prediction of people starting to talk to computers as a general thing (return of the commandline)
  • Memory from DevCon, little prank on Duncan using Stage to change his setup while playing
  • General talk about the outcome of the first Eigenharp DevCon
  • Idea about organizing a player get together (concert/show/festival)
  • Eigenharp players are pretty much scattered around the planet
  • Not easy to take the step from playing the Eigenharp alone to playing with other people, have to develop new instincts
  • Tutorial videos are missing that show people how to play songs, would be a great community contribution
  • How to get started with playing actual music pieces on the Eigenharp, huge initial gap to overcome
  • Idea of using existing MIDI files to use light on Eigenharp to show which key to press
  • Ferdinand’s MIDI Illuminator
  • Idea of waiting having the MIDI file wait for the note to be played
  • Discussion of the SonicCouture hang drum usage (chromatic)
  • Problems of logging onto G+ Hangout
  • Mike talking about the Moog Lapsteel
  • Geert trying to replace Moog SlimPhatty sound with a plugin, and failed
  • Startup time and prepare up front, startup time is really an issue if you don’t plan
  • Create a checklist for what to do when you gig
  • Back to Eigenharp novelties
  • Belcanto and Workbench providing the visibility
  • Talk to your Eigenharp during a live performance
  • Pitch detection agent and CV calibration only necessary for pitch
  • Latency of playing together over the internet (latency problem)
  • Real-life latency, sound traveling through the air
  • Expert Sleepers ES-3 module rant and DC coupled audio interfaces
  • Demo of connecting Eigenharp parameters directly to audio outputs, turning it into CV on
  • DC coupled interfaces

  • Explicit polyphony management for limited resources, needs new agent

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