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Eigenharp Pico three part blues setup on 16 keys

John S. Nolan posted a great YouTube video, demonstrating how he configured his Pico to be able to play bass, harmony and melody all at once on 16 keys without having to switch between instruments or record loops. It a great testimonial about the Eigenharp’s configurability, enjoy!

Posted in Configuration, Controllers, Demonstration, Software.

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3 Responses

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  1. David Taylor says

    Great use of keys. You managed to get a lot of sound out of a small set of keys.

  2. Andreas says

    How did you do it? I thought you couldn’t use different keygroups on the pico ..

  3. Geert says

    I think he probably created a custom EigenD scale and used the Kontakt plugin to create splits.

    In reality though, there’s nothing preventing you from creating different keygroups on the pico, there just aren’t any in the factory setup.

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