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Introducing my new Eigenharp tutorials

This video introduces the new series of Eigenharp tutorials that I’m going to record. They will be short and very focused, just one or two minutes to explain a specific feature or approach.

If you have any requests for topics that you’d like me to cover, don’t hesitate to get in touch to suggest them to me!

Posted in Controllers, Demonstration, Tutorial.

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5 Responses

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  1. 0beron says

    Hi Geert, that Hang Drum layout looks interesting, I have the same library from Soniccouture. Is it in a usable state ?

    • Geert says

      Yeah, I’ll try to post it sometime next week.

      • Larry Heilman says

        Can not find the post about your hang drum setup (script). Could you tell me where to find it? I love the way the key lights lok!

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Tweets that mention Introducing my new Eigenharp tutorials | EigenZone -- linked to this post on January 25, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Geert Bevin and 野林洋光 Hiro Nobayashi, 野林洋光 Hiro Nobayashi. 野林洋光 Hiro Nobayashi said: @gbevin I am looking forward your Eigenharp short tutorial lessons! QT: Introducing my new Eigenharp tutorials […]

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