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Alpha Competition Entry: Eigenharp Pico – 1st entry for the ‘Win an Alpha’ competition

To those of you who are unaware, Eigenlabs are running a competition where they are going to be awarding an Eigenharp Alpha for the best video performance of someone playing the Pico. We are allowed 6 entries each for the competition, and this is my first… I needed to ‘break my cherry’ for the competition :)…. The deadline for entries is the 28th February, so expect some more videos to be uploaded soon.

All of the sounds are produced with the Pico, and I only used sounds that came with the unit (utilising the bundled Alchemy AU for the guitar and flute sounds). The nano pad is programmed to change keys/scales on the Pico, and the nano kontrol is used to operate the live looping software (Mobius).

The piece is a total improvisation, and while I still have a lot to learn with the Pico, I’m starting to become more comfortable with it. And even though the fibro pain is bad in my fingers today, I am still able to play this beast 🙂

Posted in Demonstration, Live.

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