Using SoundFlower, it’s quite easy to directly record the output of the EigenD software. However, I’ve seen some entries for the ‘Win an Alpha’ competition use an external microphone to record the ambient sound in the room.
This tutorial explains how to set everything up so that you can benefit from perfect sound quality while playing and recording.
Very helpful. This combined with the Garage Band tutorial has really answered a lot of the questions I am going to have once I get my pico in my hands. The official tutorials are great for walking me through the manual and these will help me play additional sounds and record some tracks. I can’t wait to get started!
Thanks again and please keep the helpful tutorials coming,
Take it easy,
Joe S.
Thanks Geert, that works really well 😀
Cool, glad it’s helpful! 🙂
This was very helpful. I am STILL bewildered why Eigenlabs did not make the entier setup editable directly through the computer interface and the mouse. Relying on the keys is an absolutely ridiculous scheme. I’m looking forward to the Eigenharp being a full-fledged midi controller and not this ridiculous half-tool that it currently is. It has SUCH promise!
This has been discussed many times on the Eigenlabs forum. While this approach takes some time to learn, it pays off in spades. You’re able to control almost everything without ever having to look at the computer screen or leave your instrument. This is very liberating and makes the Eigenharp unique for live performances. I personally think that this is a revolutionary idea and I’m glad that they had the guts to enforce it.
Thanks, that is a very helpful Tutorial.
But you don´t need Audacity for it, as I discovered. You can also set up a new simple track in Garageband and use Soundflower as the input.
You can also use a guitartrack and advise some realtime filters to the pico through the simulated guitaramps and effects.
That was well done. This is the type of tutorial I need but for the Alpha Eigenharp.