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Eigenharp @NAMM 2010, new Tau instrument

Eigenlabs announced a new Eigenharp at NAMM 2010 yesterday, called the Eigenharp Tau. There is very little information available at this time, but here is what I already know:

  • Similar to the Alpha in features and form-factor:
    • 72 highly expressive keys on the main keyboard.
    • 8 Mode Switches
    • Each key uses a unique sensor technology detecting movement in all directions to
      within a micron – the wavelength of light, the width of a living cell.
    • 12 additional larger keys, just as sensitive but designed to be hit harder, suitable for
    • One strip controller, often used for pitch, effects or filter control.
    • A breath pipe going to the side for playing wind instrument models, or to add emphasis to notes, effects or filters.
    • Powerful headphone output for monitoring, live auditioning and rehearsal.
    • Plays an unlimited range of sounds.
    • Supports a wide variety of software instruments including its own native instruments,
      Soundfonts, samples, AU’s, Apple Loops and midi instruments.
    • Stage portable – the performer can move freely while playing, within a 24m radius of
      the base station.
    • Can be played seated using a floor spike, or standing using a strap.
    • Comes complete with a soft case.
    • Comes in an anodised black or silver finish.
  • Less keys than the Alpha
  • Design inspired by the Pico
  • About half the price of the Alpha ($2800)
  • Available for order from the website soon, shipping starts May 10th, 2010

Here is are the first pictures:

Eigenharp Tau Black

Eigenharp Tau
(thanks to Neil Bufkin)

… and here is a presentation video with some information about the Tau at the end:

Eigen Labs @ NAMM 2010 from Neil Bufkin on Vimeo.

Posted in Demonstration.

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2 Responses

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  1. Synthacus says

    Wow, great to see some new music. I like Moby but was afraid no one could actually compose.

    Let those demonstrators earn their money.

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Tweets that mention Eigenharp @NAMM 2010, new Tau instrument – EigenZone -- linked to this post on January 15, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Geert Bevin and RebelliousUno, Faye Pearson. Faye Pearson said: Eigenzone keeping #eigenharp fans in the loop: […]

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